Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Best Hook Ever

In the comments section, leave your best "hook" from the "Little Red Riding/Fish Hooks" lesson.  You can comment on others' hooks if you like them, too!  If you've forgotten how to post, click on the "How to Blog" tab above for a reminder of what to do and how to do it! 


  1. Start with a metaphor.
    Start with an adjective.
    Start with an interesting question.

  2. Hey, "Anonymous," I actually need you to write your hook... not the type of hook! I want your first sentence! Post again! And don't forget to put your name in! If you've forgotten how, look at the "how to blog" tab!

  3. Start with an interesting metaphor or simile.

    Elementary school is like walking in to a dark cave, you never know what will happen.
    -Caleb Norton

  4. I was weasing almost out of breath. Walking inside I was holding my head. I couldn't see. Wobbling and trying to cry I was going to get medical attention.I didn't think I was going to make it. What happened to me? Let me tell you.

    Putting the reader at the climax of the story.

  5. Start with a riddle

    When you are in 5th grade, ready to go on a feild trip, bags are packed where are you going? You guessed it Wolf Ridge.

  6. Start with an intersting question

    Who knows what its like to stand on a single rope 20 feet in the air? I do.

    Jack Zutter

    1. Scary! I can't wait to read the rest of the essay in a few weeks!

    2. I do...
      Are you talking about wolfridge?

  7. Operation: Spaceprobe was the kind of mission that would usually go without the Bloodthirsty galaloopians engaging in a dogfight.

  8. Though the bus ride was tedious, it was the only way to get to the campus located in the middle of no where.

  9. A strip of adjectives

    scared,excited,and impatient are the feelings I get when I walk into elemtary school all at the same time.

    1. Where's your capital letter at the beginning of your sentence, Jake? :)

  10. Start off with an interesting question

    Have you ever stared down at the ground 20 feet in the air? I have.

    1. No! I'm afraid of heights. I'll just have to read about it in your paper!

    2. Wow Sydney nice start!

  11. Though I had to get up early, it was worth the amazing adventure.

  12. Start with a question.
    Have you ever wondered what elementary school was like to other kids? Well get comfy and get ready to listen to my story about my 5 years in elementary!

  13. #6

    I was the kind of girl that never got homesick.

    1. Awww, this is great! I can't wait to read the actual essay!

  14. Use a string of adjectives

    Scared,Frigtend,Excited before I go down on the high zip line

    Kaitlyn Russell

  15. Start with a riddle.
    Have you ever thought about what its like to sing in front of a huge crowd even though your not a good singer? Well believe me! I have!

  16. I am doing the blank was the kind of blank that blank.

    I was the kind of person that hated to get up early in the morning.Until I knew it was going to be the best day of my life!

  17. Metephor/Simile

    In recess, the small patch of run-down grass was an NFL stadium as legendary as Lambue Feild itself.

    1. Legendary! Love it! Have you ever been to Lambeau Field?

  18. I am doing #9.
    The only thing stopping me from falling 30ft is a thin wire and a harness, I could fall at any moment. Let me tell you about it.

  19. #3 Start with a qusetion

    Do you think he will ever fall ? Well when his friend pushed him he just flew like an eagle in the sky.

    Haley Rodewald

  20. #8 Use adjectives.
    It was very cloudy outside, and I was very excited! For it was the perfect day for white water rafting. The rapids were amazing.

  21. It was a stormy night was the kind of storm that would shock your house and tell the morning.

  22. My favorite hook is the start with a interesting question. Have you ever been dangling 20 feet up int the air?

  23. Waking up to the cold air on an ealry moring at wolf ridge.Iam rested a engough to handle the day i hope soo......

  24. People laughing so hard their eyes were bulging out of their heads!
